Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. James Durst  Pre-Minstrel Syndrome  Element of Surprise 
 2. Blind Guardian  The Minstrel  Nightfall In Middle Earth   
 3. Wendy Grossman  The Minstrel  Roseville Fair 
 4. Andy Roberts  The Minstrel  Andy Roberts Tapes 
 5. The Clancy Brothers with Tommy Makem  The Minstrel Boy  The Rising Of The Moon 
 6. Liam Hughes  The Minstrel Boy   
 7. Erin's Pride  The Minstrel Boy  25 Years of Erin's Pride 
 8. Evgeny Bachurin  First Minstrel  www.davar.net - Russian songs 
 9. Hans Zimmer  Minstrel Boy  Black Hawk Down 
 10. Charlie Zahm  The Minstrel Boy  Charlie Zahm Live: The Celtic Concert  
 11. Words: Thomas Moore  The Minstrel Boy  American Dreams 
 12. Words: Thomas Moore  The Minstrel Boy  American Dreams 
 13. Waltons Irish Whistle  The Minstrel Boy  Irish Guinness Whistle CD Ed 
 14. John McDermott  The Minstrel Boy  Danny Boy  
 15. Words: Thomas Moore (~ 1798)  The Minstrel Boy  American Dreams 
 16. Joe Derrane / Frankie Gavin  The Minstrel Boy  Ireland's Harvest 
 17. Joe Derrane / Frankie Gavin  The Minstrel Boy  Ireland's Harvest 
 18. John McDermott  The Minstrel Boy  Danny Boy  
 19. Joe Derrane / Frankie Gavin  The Minstrel Boy  Ireland's Harvest 
 20. Edison Minstrels  At the minstrel show. no. 5  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9279 
 21. Murry K. Hill  The stranded minstrel man  Edison Amberol: 16 
 22. George P. Watson  The German minstrel  Edison Record: 7819 
 23. Edison Minstrels  Minstrel potpourri  Edison Concert cylinder B-204 
 24. Edison Minstrels  At the minstrel show. no. 3  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9277 
 25. Edison Minstrels  At the minstrel show. no. 2  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9276 
 26. Akhtar Wahim  Global Minstrel  Buddha Bar II 
 27. Edward Meeker  Rap, rap, rap, rap on your minstrel bones (take 1)  Edison Blue Amberol: 1576 
 28. Heron  Minstrel and a king  The Dawn Anthology 
 29. Edward Meeker  Rap, rap, rap, rap on your minstrel bones (take 2)  Edison Blue Amberol: 1576 
 30. Edison Minstrels  At the minstrel show. no. 4  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9278 
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